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Welcome to the
Montgomery Mosaic Website!
We are a diverse group of Montgomery, NJ citizens with a vision to build a strong, inclusive community in Montgomery and surrounding areas dedicated to growth, connectivity, anti-racism and healing, enabling all people to feel acceptance, safety and respect. Join us in building our community through Educational Events, Social Gatherings and Youth Programs around town.
Check out our Socials
to stay up to date on Events & Valuable Posts
Please be advised - an internet troll took the Domain names of Montgomery, .net and .org. If you receive any communication from them - please disregard.
Our official email is
Our official domain names are, .org, .net
How sad that people like this Troll exist in this world and try only to hurt others rather
than to lift people up.
Montgomery Mosaic - Each Day of the Week is a Whole Vibe
Mindful Mondays: Meditation, Coping Strategies, etc
Tasty Tuesdays: Food Related
Awareness Wednesdays: Current issues facing groups across the world, country and our town; how we can help
Thoughtful Thursdays: still thinking...
Fun Fridays: List of events for the weekend and the upcoming week
Montgomery Mosaic
Upcoming Events
Local Activities
We Support
Montgomery Mosaic, The Mayor's Wellness Campaign & the Township Inclusion & Equity Committee thank all of the attendees, volunteers & sponsors for adding to the success of our first Sweet Summer Social! What a wonderful night of connections, food, music and fun.

Thank you Fire Fighters, EMS and Police for attending our event and for cooling down the kids with the fire hose.
Thank you Mikey from the DPW for taking such good care of Van Horne Park and for being so kind generous with your help at our Event.

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